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tv   Today  NBC  September 8, 2012 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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7:00 am >> i thought you guys were >> i thought you guys were noodle a- hi, sean! - hi, sean-- my name is luca, and these are my friends, sadie and shaely. but, first, we're going to the library to go find some books for story time. what can we carry them in? - hmm... aha-- i have an idea! everyone buckled up? - ready, sean! - all aboard the noodle and doodle bus! - we're traveling around in your neighborhood we're doing lots of things as we go making lots of arts and crafts and food that's good we're hoping we can say hello all aboard the noodle and doodle bus hop on! - there's lots for us to do we can bake a cake
7:01 am
there are games to make it wouldn't be the same without you - yeah! [all] - hi, sean! - well, hello, everyone. hi, laura. - hi, sean. - so, i hear you guys are going on a story time picnic in the park. that's sounds fun. - but, first, we're going to the library to go find some books. what can we carry them in? - oh, uh-- - maybe some backpacks? - oh, yeah. i like the way you guys think. uh, we could make special, story-time backpacks. uh, now, what's something that you could find in your house that we could use to hold books or pencils? - boxes? - excellent idea! we could take big cereal box and use it to hold some books and paper, and then we could add on some smaller boxes like pockets. yeah, that's it, doodle. - what about the picnic? - oh. well, it wouldn't be a picnic without food.
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so, noodle and i could make you some story-time, book bites. uh, using some deli meats and cheeses, we could make pages, and then some whole wheat bread to make the book cover. - yummy! - oh, and, doodle, we can recycle that cereal box to make one of the backpacks. thanks, doodle. i'll tell you what. you guys go inside and see if you can find some small boxes with your mom, and noodle and i will start making the story-time, book bites. and then, when you're ready, hop on the bus, and we'll make the backpacks together, okay? [all] - yeah! - all right-- well, we've got a plan. i'll see you soon. - bye. - bye, sean! - bye, sean! - see you later. - hey, sean, come on-- let's get crackin'! - i will, noodle. let's get busy in the kitchen with noodle and doodle. come on! hi, noodle-- noodle? where are you, noodle? whoa... oh! - surprise!
7:03 am
i've been looking at scrum-noodly-umptious pictures in these recipes books, and it's made me really hungry. - whoa! - oh! - all right. well, let's head over to the kitchen and get started making some story time book bites. - what a great idea! and i've washed my hands, sean. have you? - good reminder, noodle. i will. - great! - wash-wash-wash 'til they're nice and clean - go on, sean-- real clean. - wash-wash-wash 'til they really gleam now, we're ready to cook. we're nice and clean - great! - let's get cooking! - let's get cooking! - the first thing you need to do is grab some deli meat and cheese, and i've got some right here in the fridge. now, you can use whatever you like, but we're going to start with turkey, cheese, and ham. this is going to be a complicated stacking procedure, dr. noodle, so i'll be your assistant.
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what should we start with? - oh, we-we should start with ham. - ham! - cheese. - cheese! - turkey. - turkey! - cheese. - cheese! - ham. - ham! - cheese. - cheese! - turkey. - turkey! - cheese. - cheese! - ham. - ham! good stacking, dr. noodle. - thank you. - now, i'm going to take a knife and cut our meat and cheese into stacks, and this is a job for a grown-up. we can use some whole wheat bread to make our book covers. let's spread some mayonnaise on the bread. - great. - now, we can take some of our meat and cheese pages. - i see. - and stick them on. we've got some extra alphabet cereal here. - oh. - and i can use a little bit of this mayonnaise to make it stick. - "a." - "a"-- "b."
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- "b"-- and "c." - ha-ha-- that looks like a book to me. - sure does. - now, let's make some more. - all right. so, they can go in the fridge to stay cold. and while they're chilling, we can-- - clean up! - ready. - set. - go! - whew-- all clean! - whew-- all clean! - oh, and remember, sean, we need to recycle this cereal box for our craft for later. - that's using your noodle, noodle mcnoodle. i'll be sure to take it downstairs with me when i go. - whoa! - oh, that's doodle-- come on! let's see what our friends are doing. - yeah. - oh, sadie's mom is helping them find some small boxes from their recycling bin. we can use them for the craft later on. thanks, doodle. - thanks.
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7:06 am
[doodle chiming] [dog barking] - that's doggity. let's see what he's doing downstairs. - what's cooking? - a doggone treat that's great to eat [kids cheering] from doggity - hey, doggity, a circus has come to town, and the performers are looking for a high-flying snack. - a circus! i love the circus, the big top, the clowns, the daring men and women on the flying trapeze. - oh, and the jugglers are my favorite. i've always wanted to give juggling a try. uh-oh-- i'll get the mop, again. - circus, you say? i remember my days in the circus. we had a large, white tent we had to put up every morning and take down every night. - tony, that wasn't a circus. you were raising the sails of a ship.
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- well, that explains why nobody ever clapped. - hmm-- the tent of a circus? that gives me an idea. ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, are you ready to make something amazing? if these diners need energy to perform their tricks, there must be something healthy we can fix. i know, big top pasta salad! but, i'll need some help from my kitchen performers. are you with me? [all] - we're with you, doggity! - first, we'll need some rotini. add some fantastic cut cucumbers and carrots and cherry tomatoes. you can use grape tomatoes, but i like cherry. now, we need some corn niblets and mozzarella. for the final touch, a nice vinaigrette dressing. and, now, it's showtime! presenting... big-top pasta salad, a tasty treat for our talented guests. - order up! - it'll never work. - aw, mack, you always say that. - well, did the circus performers
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like their big top pasta salad? - they said, "doggity's big top pasta salad "was the main attraction." - and that's dog-gone good. ruff! - thanks, doggity. [all] - hi, sean! - hi, shaely. hi, luca-- hi, sadie. i see you brought in some small boxes that we can use to make pockets on our backpack. well done. well, and i brought this recycled, cereal box thate're gonna use to make the whole back-pack. so, if we tear one edge, you can just flip a box inside out like this. and, now, it's ready to be a backpack. so, the first thing that we're gonna do is add a flap. what color would you like? - blue. - oh, yeah-- there you go. and what about you two? - yellow. - what about you, sadie? - yellow. - okay, good. find that flap on the top.
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you see that, right there? - mmm-hmm-- right here? - yeah. and you can put it underneath, just like that, and then we're gonna lay a piece of tape across there. next, we're gonna put on some buttons, so that it can stay closed, okay? we're gonna put some glue on and put the big button right on top. and then, we're gonna add a smaller one down here, and that'll be our latch. now, we can add little boxes like these raisin or cereal boxes to make pockets. so, you guys like stories, right? - yes. - yes. - what do you like to make stories up about? - i like to make stories of princesses and fairies. - oh, okay. what about you, shaely? what kind of stories do you like? - uh, unicorns and horses. - ah. so, i've got some star stickers and some sequins for each of you. okay. they're finished being decorated.
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here, hold them up, so i can see them. oh, wow-- very nice. well, we also taped on some straps to make them into real back-packs. now, all we need are the story-time, book bites. oh, noodle mcnoodle, send 'em down, please! - here they come! and they fan-noodly-tastic. - thanks, noodle! - you're welcome! - well, here are the story time book bites for you. - oh, yum! - oh, yum! - mmm. well, now that you've got your sandwiches and your backpacks, you can head off to the library to load up on books and enjoy a story-time picnic in the park. have fun! - thanks, sean! - you're welcome. - look, noodle-- they're at the library. - i think they're looking for the perfect story time book. oh, and it fits in their back-pack. - now, they're walking to the park for a story
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with their friends. - and those story time book bites look like a super yummy snack. [all] - bye, sean! - thanks, doodle. - sean, would you read doggity, doodle, and me a story later? - i'd love to, noodle. - great! - maybe you could make a back-pack from recycled things you find around your house. what would you put in it? here we go. i wonder where our next stop will be.
7:12 am
can febreze defeat the smelly d? [ inhales deeply ] a lot of flowers. it's on the zingy side of floral.
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[ male announcer ] success. victory over odors, here and in your home. febreze. breathe happy.
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7:14 am
- my name is sean and this is my brother, braden and we're on a family bike ride but it's too hot out. what can we do to cool off? - hmm.. ah-ha-- i have an idea! everyone buckled up! - ready, sean! [barking] - all aboard the noodle and doodle bus.
7:15 am
- we're traveling around in your neighborhood we're doing lots of things as we go making lots of arts and crafts and food that's good we're hoping we can say hello all aboard the noodle and doodle bus there's lots for us to do we can bake a cake there are games to make it wouldn't be the same without you [in unison] - hi, sean! - oh, hi, braden-- hi, sean. hi, mom and dad. - hi. - boy, it's a beautiful day for a bike ride. - but it's so hot out. - well, uh, maybe a cool and refreshing drink would do the trick. - yeah, icy cold. - oh, i like the way you think. noodle and i could make some icy cold, bicycle icicle tea for you. we could mix together some peppermint tea, some apple juice and some lemon juice.
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oh, and pour it over lots of minty ice cubes, doodle. - we can have that for our picnic. - and we can make something for our bike, too. - oh, an excellent idea. we could make decorations for your bike. - okay! - cool! - what kind of things could you find that we can make decorations from? - we have drinking straws in our picnic basket. - and snack bags. - oh, i have an idea, but you'll have to eat all your snacks first. - okay. - we could take the leftover snack bags and we can make tassels out of them and put them on your handle bars. and we can recycle the tea box from the bicycle, icicle tea and make license plates for your bikes. - cool! - well, thanks, doodle. [doodle chiming] - while you two finish eating your snacks, noodle and i'll start making the bicycle icicle tea. and when you're finished, hop on the bus and we'll make the decorations together. - okay! - cool! - hey, that's a great idea. - all right. well, we gotta plan-- see you soon-- bye! [in unison] - bye, sean! - hey, sean, come on-- let's get crackin'!
7:17 am
- there in a flash, noodle mcnoodle. let's get busy in the kitchen with noodle and doodle. come on! - swim swim swim swim swimming swimming hi, noodle-- boy, it's hot out-- what are you doing? - oh, hi, sean-- i'm swimming-- come on in. - oh, okay. all right, look out-- big splash comin' your way. - ah! - wow! - this is fun, isn't it? - yeah-- it's so nice and cool. - i know. - oh, and it reminds me, we're making something cool and refreshing to drink, bicycle icicle tea. - we are? - yeah! - well, there's no time to keep swimming. we got a cold drink to make. - all right. - and i've already washed my hands, sean-- have you? - good reminder, noodle-- i will. wash wash wash 'til they're nice and clean
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- go on, sean-- real clean! wash wash wash 'til they really glean now we're ready to cook we're nice and clean let's get cooking! - let's get cooking! well, we're going to make some bicycle icicle tea and we're gonna need some minty ice cubes. so, i'm gonna fill up this ice cube tray with some water. and, noodle, it'd be great if you could tear this mint into tiny little pieces to go in our water. - okay. - great. - we're gonna rip you up you smell so good and minty - so, what we're gonna do is take a piece of mint like this and just put it into the water, just like that. - take a piece of mint, just like... there. - now they can freeze in our freezer, so, i'll put them in here. and lucky for us, i made some earlier.
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and i also brewed some tea using two peppermint tea bags. we're gonna put these into our drinking glasses. - minty ice cubes. - great! all right, now we can pour our tea-- - fill 'er up! - and the fun part is decorating them. - we're gonna really make them look like bicycles. so, i've got an orange here with a slice in it. - yup! - you can put that on top. put that right there on the edge. yeah, just like that. - wow! - and with two straws taped together, we can make the handle bars... - oh, wow! - ...for our bicycle icicle tea. - it does look like a bicycle. - well, now that we're finished we can... clean up! - clean up! ready... - set... - go!
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7:20 am
phew-- all clean! - phew-- all clean! - and remember, sean, we need to recycle this tea box for the craft for later. - oh, that's using your noodle, noodle mcnoodle. [doodle chiming] that's doodle! let's see what our friends are doing. - yeah! mm, they're eating up the popcorn, so we can re-use the bag for our craft later. thanks, doodle. - thanks. [doodle chiming] [barking] - oh, that's doggity. let's see what he's doing downstairs. [barking] [children in unison] - what's cooking? - a dog-gone treat that's great to eat from... [children cheering] doggity's - hey, doggity-- there's a family on vacation that just pulled up for lunch, but they're in a hurry and need to take their food with them to their next stop.
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- a family vacation-- what fun! driving around and spending time together on the road. - looking out the car window and singing fun songs. the wheels on the bus go round and round - and seeing roadside attractions like, "world's biggest watermelon." maybe i can try and make "the world's biggest pizza." i'll get the mop, again. - i remember family vacations as a young lad. loadin' up the car and hittin' the road, ready for anything. - tony, that wasn't your family-- those were dolls. - i know-- oh, the adventures they'd have. they could go to the beach and to the moon, all in the same day. - well, if our guests need to eat on the run, we can make them something tasty that's also fun: traveling snack boxes. will you help me? [in unison] - we'll help you, doggity. - then, let's start our engines and get this show on the road. first, deedle dee, cut up some vitamin-packed veggies, like, carrots, broccoli and red pepper
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and put them in some boiling water. tony, take them out quickly and put them in some cold water to cool off. that way they're cooked a little bit, but still have some crunch. mac, mix up some ranch dressing for a delightful dip. finally, pack up the veggies and dressing in a container with lots of sections. add some pita chips, cheese and turkey. everything goes in it's own special spot. and there you have it: traveling snack boxes. lunch on the go for a family on the go. - order up! - it'll never work. - oh, mac, you always say that. - did the family like their lunch? - they said they can't wait to eat their travelin' treat. - and that's dog-gone good. ruff! - thanks, doggity. - hi, sean. - hi, braden-- high five. hi, sean-- nice to see you both. and i see you brought your snack bags. those will be great for making the bike decorations. - and they're all clean. - oh, that is perfect. oh, and you know what?
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we can use this recycled peppermint tea box to make the license plates for the bikes. so, let's get started. all right, so what we're gonna do first is cut off the lid. so now we need to punch some holes and then we're gonna put some yarn through it, so that we can tie it to the handle bars. now we're gonna stamp the wheels together. take your spool and push it into the red paint. and then you push it on here and i made a wheel. so now we can start to tape on some straws to make our bike shape. use another straw for the rider. okay, so now we've made the body. now we can draw in a head and a helmet. let me see your bike rider. that looks good. so these will be the license plates that you can put on your bike, all right? - okay. - cool. well, and now, we can make the tassels
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that will fly when you're riding, okay? so we'll start with the snack bags that you have. what you wanna do is cut strips, but don't go all the way to the end so that they stay together. then, we'll roll all the strips together with plastic bag strips to make the tassel. pretty colorful, huh? once you've rolled them together, you can tape the one end. all right, so, give it a little wave. that's good. let's make another one. and now, we've each got two! where do they go on your bike? - on the handle bars. - that's right. now that you've got your tassels and your license plates, all we need now is the bicycle icicle tea. oh, noodle mcnoodle! send it down, please! - here it comes! and it looks scrumnoodly-umptious. - thanks, noodle! - you're welcome!
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- here's our bicycle icicle tea. see the bicycles? - oh, it looks nice and cold. - it's gonna be nice and cold all right. well, now that you've got your tea and your decorations, you can go and enjoy your family bike ride. - yeah! - all right, see ya later. there's nothing like cold bicycle icicle tea to refresh you on a hot day. - oh, and sean, look-- those bike plates and tassels look really neat. they did such a great job. - bye, sean! - thanks, doodle. - oh,sean, maybe you can help me decorate my scooter later? - oh, that's a great idea, noodle! i'd love to. - awesome! - do you have a bike or a scooter? maybe you have a stroller that you carry your dolls around in. well, how would you decorate it? here we go! i wonder where our next stop will be.
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with animals and fun all around so discover the forest and explore all the wonder that's there visit to find a forest near you it's not just about what's on the outside. it's what's inside that really counts. so get to know lots of kids around you. you'll make some really great friends the more you know as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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7:30 am
- look who's ready for you - the pajanimals - are ready for you - the pajanimals - are ready for you to get ready for sleepy time too apollo's big adventures take off with a hug squacky's with his blankie as snug as a bug cowbella shares a story with all of you dream a little dream with sweetpea sue look who's ready for you - the pajanimals are ready for you we're the pajanimals [giggling] - wow-- look at it go! - it's so fast! - best spin yet!
7:31 am
- oh, i can't wait to go to the fun park tomorrow. - yeah! i am gonna go on the fantasy fury ride a cowzillon times! - ha-ha-ha! - well, i'm gonna go on the spin-go-'round ride a gatrillion times plus ten! [laughing] oh... - oh, squacky! - whoa! - i'm okay. - well, i wish we were tall enough to go on the rocket ride! in the big kids part of the park. - yeah! - hey, maybe we are! - let's measure! - okay. - yeah, good idea! - i'm gonna measure and get on that ride! - well-- tell me, tell me! - sorry, cowbella. maybe next year. - oh... - can i try? - yeah-yeah-yeah. - okay. well? - almost, sweetpea sue. - oh, my turn. tah-dah! super squacky is ready for the big kid ride! - sorry, squacky.
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- still too short? - mm-hmm. - no! - apollo, you're our last hope. - huh? - yeah, come on, apollo. [giggling] - comin' though. [humming, gasping] - yay! you did it! you made it! you're tall enough to ride the rocket ride! - yay! - the rocket ride is the speediest, turniest, spinniest ride ever! isn't that cool? - yeah, cool. - okay, pajanimals. five minutes to brusha-brusha time. - come on, let's finish our drawings and clean up! - yep! - wow... the rocket ride. - hey, apollo, look! - hmm? - it's you on the rocket ride. - hooray for astronaut apollo! - yeah! - hooray... everyone wants me to go on it... but i don't know if i'm ready yet. it's so fast and spinny. - gonna be so high in the ship. - yeah. - wow.
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- maybe i'll be sick tomorrow. and if i'm sick, i won't have to go to the fun park, at all. - time to get ready for bed, pajanimals. - okay. come on, rocket rider, apollo! - coming! - wow... - i can't wait to see apollo on that ride. - oh, me neither. [sighing] - we're gonna clean our teeth with a brush-a brush-a brush-a add a dab-a dab-a toothpaste don't wanna rush-a rush-a gentle and slow that's the way to go when you brush-a brush-a brush-a with your brush-a brush-a brush-a - now brush the outside the inside the top and the bottom - all the little bits of food my brush-a really got 'em - i even brush my tongue down and up up and down then take a sip of water and swish it all around - spit spit spitting that's what i like the best spit the water in the sink then give your mouth a rest - we're gonna clean our teeth with a brush-a brush-a brush-a add a dab-a dab-a toothpaste don't wanna rush-a rush-a
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gentle and slow that's the way to go when you brush-a brush-a brush-a with your brush-a brush-a brush-a - now let's all show our pearly whites smile a smile that's big bright we're as pretty as you please come on now everyone say cheese! - i wanna brush 'em, again. - oh, i'm so excited! - me too! i think. - good night, pajanimals. sleep tight. see you in the morning light. - good night, mama. - good night, mom. - good night, mother. - apollo, are you okay? - well, my tummy feels a little funny.
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- you're not getting sick, are you? - yes! - oh, no-- that's terrible! - yeah. so i guess i won't be able to go to the fun park tomorrow. oh, well. - but-but what about the rocket ride? - i guess, i won't ride it. - oh, no! we have to do something! - hmm? - yeah. don't worry, apollo. we'll make sure you get on that rocket ride. - come on over to my bed, everybody. - okay. - ready? - ready! - let's bundle up! - snuggle up! - huggle up! - and go! - whoa! - we're flying! - whoo! - hooray-- we're in the land of hush!
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- shh! bedtime bunny's sleepin'. - sorry-sorry-sorry. - let's go! - yeah. - oh... - hi, bedtime bunny! - oh, bedtime bunny. - shh... i was sleeping. - oh, sorry. - oh, hello, pajanimals. welcome to the land of... [snoring] - uh, maybe we should wake her up again? - no! uh... i mean, uh, no. don't wake her up. i don't think she can help me with my funny feeling tummy. - what kind of funny is your tummy feeling, apollo? - well, uh-- - oh, you can tell bedtime bunny. - well... - is it an icky-sticky, "i think i might throw up" kind of feeling? - not exactly. - oh, is it that flippy-floppy, fireworks in the tummy
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feeling you get when you're really excited about something? - no. - oh, is it that butterflies doin' the tap dance in your tummy feeling? uh, like i get when i'm scared? uh... i know that's what i'd have if i was goin' on my first big kids ride tomorrow. - yeah, i wouldn't even think about goin' on that rocket ride-- i'd be way too scared. - i'm scared, too. [gasping] - you are? - yeah, but you guys were so excited for me, i didn't wanna tell you. that's why i was pretending like i had a bad tummy ache, so i wouldn't have to go to the fun park at all. - you don't have to go on a ride if you feel scared, apollo. - yeah, we all feel scared sometimes. - even super squacky. [chuckling] - and you never have to make up a lie to hide your true feelings. good friends will always understand. - yeah? - now, if you'll just excuse me.
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i think i'd like to rest my eyes. [snoring] - oh... excuse me, bedtime bunny. - phew... i'm glad you guys understand. - sure we do. - of course, apollo. [giggling] - i'm lucky that i get to have a good-good friend like you - we share we care we laugh we hug - we talk and listen too - how fine to have you as a friend 'cause when we get the chance - we glide we slide we clap we tap and do the happy dance - you're my friend i'm your friend if things go right or wrong you're my friend we share our love and sing our friendship song - when we play and kid around sometimes we don't agree - but if we have a little fight we fix things you and me - you're my friend i'm your friend if things go right or wrong
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you're my friend we share our love and sing our friendship song let's hug! [giggling] - oh, thanks, guys. i feel so much better. now, i'm really excited about going to the fun park tomorrow. - yay! - oh! - did someone say something? - no. - all right. [snoring] - uh... thanks, bedtime bunny. come on, guys. let's tip-toe home. - yeah. - come on. you're my friend i'm your friend if things go right or wrong you're my friend we share... - nighty-night! - whoa! - wow! - look at that. - it feels good to tell the truth about how i really feel. - so, do you think you'll go on the rocket ride tomorrow. - no. i'll wait until next year when we're all tall enough to go on it together. - that is a-okay with us, apollo.
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- uh-huh. - yes, it is. - you guys are the best! good night. - good night, apollo. - the earth is spinning slowly spinning the stars and moon now fill the sky magic glow the night's beginning so sing a lu-lu-lullaby - oh, i was just resting my eyes. that's not true-- i was actually asleep. anywho, apollo learned today that you don't have to tell lies to friends. they'll always understand when you tell the truth. now where was i? oh, yes. [snoring]
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- look who's ready for you - the pajanimals - are ready for you
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- the pajanimals - are ready for you to get ready for sleepy time too apollo's big adventures take off with a hug squacky's with his blankie as snug as a bug cowbella shares a story with all of you dream a little dream with sweet pea sue look who's ready for you - the pajanimals are ready for you - we're the pajanimals - pshh-- rrr- shhh! [gasping] stay calm! super squacky will save you from that terrible blobby monster! - this is not a blobby monster! it's a super delicious, pretty pink princess cake. - ugh. - can i have a bite? - of course! - okay, pajanimals, five more minutes 'til bedtime.
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- oh! - already? - let's play something, quick! - what? - think! think-- time is ticking! - mmm... got it-- let's play cowbella says! - okay! - great! - thank you. - if cowbella says cowbella says - you must do what cowbella says - and if she doesn't say cowbella says - you must not do what cowbella says - ready? - yeah. - yeah. - okay-- cowbella says hop like a frog. - okay-- um... um... - ribbit. - ribbit. - ribbit. - ribbit. - ribbit-- ribbit. - ribbit. - cowbella says flap like a chicken. - bock, bock, bock, bock, bock. bock, bock, bock, bock. - now swim like a shark! - nnnnaar--pssh-- i am a shark! watch out-- here comes a swimmin' shark! i'm shark-- oh, um, did she say, "cowbella says"? - no. - oops! - cowbella says act like a gorilla.
7:47 am
- ooh, ooh, ooh, ah, ah. - ooh, ooh, ooh-- ooh, ooh, ooh. - i'm a cuckoo bird. - cowbella says roar like a dragon! - raaahhh! - raaahhh! - raaahhh! - raaahhh! - oh, oh, dragon's are scary! act like a cute little baby pink piggy! - piggy, okay. [oinking] oops, again! - okay, pajanimals, time for bed. - oh! - okay. that was funny. - cowbella? - hmm? - we've gotta get ready for bed. - oh. - come on. - why aren't ya comin', cowbella? - we just played that game with sharks and gorillas. - and dragons! raaahhh! - ooh, i'm afraid i'm gonna have a scary dream. - that would not be good. - yeah, i don't like scary dreams at all. - maybe you won't have a scary dream tonight, cowbella. - i won't! - good-- good! - there you go! - because i'm not going to bed tonight.
7:48 am
- huh?! - if i don't go to bed, then i won't go to sleep, and if i don't go to sleep, then-then i won't have another scary dream like the other ones i've had. i was in the sea riding on a whale a mermaid came to play a game when a big shark bit her tail - that's a scary dream but it's just a dream a story in your head so goodbye fear you're safe right here in your house in your room in your bed - i was on my throne polishing my crown the dragon roared i drew my sword his fire made me frown - that's a scary dream but it's just a dream a story in your head so goodbye fear you're safe right here have a sweet dream now instead
7:49 am
- oh! thanks, guys. i think i feel a little better. - come on, let's get ready for bed. - oh, last one to the bathroom is a fuzzy spider. - oh, not a spider! oh! - goodnight, pajanimals, sleep tight. see you in the morning light. - night-night, mom! - goodnight, mom! - goodnight, mother. - love you, mama. - love you, too, cowbella. - good night, apollo. - good night. - good night, sweet pea sue. - good night. - good night, squacky. - good night. - good night, everyone. - good night! - oh! oh, oh, oh.
7:50 am
[horn beeps] whoa! - huh? - huh? - what was that? - are you okay? - oh, my horn. - oh, i'm sorry, guys. i can't go to sleep. i'm still too afraid i'm gonna have a scary dream. oh, i need help. - never fear, cowbella! we'll find some help for you. - yeah! - yeah! - ready! - ready! - let's bundle up! - snuggle up! - buckle up! - and go! - wow! - whoa! - ooh! - wee! - ooh, their aren't any-any sharks or-or dragons or spiders here, right? - no, no, no, no, no, just birds and butterflies and flowers and--
7:51 am
- toasters! - huh? - oh. - toasters? - look at all the wonderful happy things in this picture. - huh. - well, thank you. - jerry! - hey, pajanimals! oh, i'm so happy to see you guys. bear hug! welcome to the friendly forest. - we love your picture, jerry. - oh. - especially the toaster. - yeah. but, uh, i'm guessin' you didn't come here to talk toast and see my painting. what's up? - i can't go to sleep, jerry. - oh, why not, little cowbella? - i might have a scary dream. - oh, dear. yeah, i have scary dreams myself sometimes. - you do? - my imagination sometimes thinks up some scary thoughts. of course, it also thinks up happy thoughts. - well, my imagination thinks up happy thoughts all the time.
7:52 am
hey, maybe if i think some happy thoughts before i go to sleep, then i won't think of scary things, and i'll have a happy dream! - oh, what a fantastic idea! say, cowbella. - huh? - what sorta thoughts do you imagine? - uh, well... a princess party dress sparkles in my hair picture books and games to share every time i think of anything in pink happy thoughts happy thoughts - think about some happy thoughts things you love to do happy thoughts will make you smile they're all inside of you oh - flying in my cape blankie snuggled tight popcorn popping in the night dinosaurs and trains rainbows when it rains happy thoughts happy thoughts - think about some happy thoughts things you love to do happy thoughts will make you smile
7:53 am
they're all inside of you - rolling in the grass stars around the moon humming to a hummingbird's tune helping mom to bake icing on a cake happy thoughts happy thoughts - rocket ships in space splashing in the sea sandy castles made by me wiggly wiggly bugs - and mom and dad's hugs - happy thoughts happy thoughts think about some happy thoughts things you love to do happy thoughts will make you smile they're all inside of you - yay! oh, good-- and oh, yay! well, you guys have so many happy thoughts inside you. - we do, don't we? i hope i can remember all those happy thoughts. - maybe you could write 'em down. - or you could draw them.
7:54 am
- oh, i could help you, cowbella! - and you could put the picture under your pillow! - to help me dream a happy dream. - let's do it! - yay! - yay! - yeah! - come on! - yeah! - i think we're finished. - i love it! it's just right. - guys, i think it's time to hurry on home and start dreaming. - yeah. goodnight, jerry. - yeah, yeah, goodnight. - thanks. - yeah, guess i'm pretty sleepy, myself. come on, butterflies, let's go take a nap. - princess party dress sparkles in my hair picture books and games to share - quiet now, pajanimals, time for sleep. - good night, mama. - the earth is spinning slowly spinning
7:55 am
the stars and moon now fill the sky magic glow the night's beginning so sing a lu-lu-lullaby - yummy berries, sunny clouds... oh, hi there. i was just thinkin' some happy thoughts. cowbella was worried about bad dreams, but then she thought some happy thoughts. and if your head's full of happy thoughts, there's no room for bad dreams, right?
7:56 am
girl: mom, can i have a dollar? i think my purse is upstairs on the bed. it's not here. check the dining room. nope. the upstairs closet? announcer: moms everywhere are finding ways to keep kids active and healthy. get ideas. get involved. get going at rns about 100 calories. it doesn't matter if you're walking around the block, to work, to school or on this thing here.
7:57 am
you'll take all the right steps the more you know
7:58 am
7:59 am
- lu-lu-lullaby lu-lu-lullaby sing sing sing with me


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