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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 5:30pm-5:36pm MSK

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one of the richest protein foods in soybeans. we have developed a method based on the strains we have selected, which allows us to increase the protein content of this waste by 5-8%. this is a very big indicator. to achieve this, scientists treat soybean meal, or soybean waste, with yeast, then hydrate it for a short amount of time and wait for the yeast to develop and produce valuable nutrients. they release certain metabolites. these are enzymes, these are polysaccharides, for example, you can see what, what amount of polysaccharides yeast can secrete, they synthesize enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of protein, they destroy anti-nutrients contained in soybeans, they synthesize vitamins and at the same time synthesize protein themselves, the so-called yeast protein, as a result we we get a product that is enriched with protein and not only protein, but it is also enriched with metabolic products, which, for example,
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polysaccharides, they are hepatoprotectors, they have absorption effects. scientists institute of microbiology of our academy of sciences were the first in the country to propose the use of live yeast cultures for dietary supplements that enrich the diet of animals. we started this development probably 12 years ago. these were the first studies in belarus concerning the use of live yeast in feed additives. we also managed to pick up such a strain of dragee. and if all of them were mainly yeast of the genus saharamycis, saharamycis cyrevision, which is used in brewing, winemaking, and so on, our researchers selected a unique strain, which synthesizes an enzyme with prebiotic properties, and thus we managed to obtain a feed additive that has not only a probiotic, but also a prebiotic effect, this was our first development in terms of creating feed additives with more or more functional effects, we have always done this work in
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collaboration with our colleagues, livestock breeders, who have always assessed the quality of this product, how it affects the animal’s body, the assessment was very high, research started over 10 years ago became the basis for the creation of modern biologically active additives for animals, very complex in their design, one of them already combined two strains of dragees, when we combined radatora and cryptokokus, two such strains, and they... did not grow separately, this there was a drug obtained by joint cultivation of these yeasts, as a result we got a drug, it was probiotic, prebiotic, it was hepatoprotective, it had an endossortion effect, that is , such a complex drug, today scientists can suggest supplements for animals, birds and even bees. soviet doctor lev zilber
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invented an effective cure for vitamin deficiency based on moss and yeast. if you were with us for half an hour, then you already know that today these microorganisms are used in the food industry, remove biologically valuable products from yeast cells, and are also added to medicines and animal feed. and while you were watching this program, our scientists continued and continue to discover that. something new, because as anareda said balzac, the key to any science is a question mark, and these questions are unlikely to ever end, because science is nearby. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is
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news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish, signal. the tv channel is broadcast in clear
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format and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover for yourself. belarus, you have calculated everything in advance, the best tactician, the best strategist hates each other, all thoughts are only about the mission and an irresistible desire to return. yes, and belarus is canceled for you. a new task has arrived. i wanted to ask if it was possible somehow replay the game so that i’m still in belarus, someone else? it is forbidden. meet me. archimandrite veniamin konstantinov. hello, arina brazarovskaya. veniam. zoe, bless. the germans are opening churches in the occupied territories, so wait until they occupy kiev, then you will go to the commandant’s office, two priests, two novices, katya, mother, promise that you will be alive, mother, now your trinity is like a noble, do you understand?


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